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Welcome to St Thomas’ Parent-Staff Association.  As parents of pupils attending the school, you are automatically members of the PSA.  We have one objective – to enhance the education of all of our pupils.  

We do this by:

  • raising funds for school projects outside the normal school budget.
  • organising social functions, trips and supporting school activities as required in order to develop the relationship between parents and school.
  • provide a forum for consultation between the Head Teacher and parents
  • engaging in activities which support the school.  

Funds raised have been used in so many ways to enrich the learning of our children. Some of these include:

  • Bibles for our Reception children 
  • trophies and medals for our sporting heroes 
  • Christmas presents for all the children
  • dictionaries for our Year 6 leavers
  • Easter eggs
  • additional classroom resources for each year group 
  • playground equipment

Each year, the PSA always requires additional volunteers to replace parents whose sons/daughters are leaving the school or, are not currently able to offer support due to other commitments. Meetings are held  throughout the year and parents/carers are advised of the dates via the WEDUC app and email.

If you would like to join us on the committee or you are able to spare a couple of hours to help at an event, please email the school secretary –