School Meals
Our kitchen on the school site provides freshly cooked school meals which are nutritionally balanced. You can see the termly school menu below.
Gluten free menu alternatives are also available.
Children also choose to have packed lunches if they wish, but these do need to be healthy and must not include nuts due to allergies or sweets and fizzy drinks as we are a Healthy School.
Water is always available for children to drink at lunchtime and break times. Children may bring a bottle of water to school to drink during lesson times. No juice or squash is allowed.
When children eat well, they do better at school. If you want to find out more information about food in schools or changes to government policy or even if you just want some great ideas for what to put in a healthy lunchbox please have a look at Children's Food Trust.
Depending on your circumstances, your child may qualify to have tasty, healthy school meals for free. It could save you more than £350 a year, and you won't need to worry about making packed lunches every day. Schools receive vital funding for their Free School Meals pupils and even if you decide not to have the meals, we still receive an allocation in our Pupil Premium funding. The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. Please talk to the school office if you think you may be eligible.